I'm really interested in PK now. I will probably never actually be able to do it, but I think it's a very good philosophy and very cool to watch. I am especially enamoured of David Belle, as he starred in Banlieue 13, un film français que mes copains et moi avons regardé depuis trois jours. How was that for French? Ohh yeah... Anyway, he's absolutely cool and lovely, and here he is!:

Jeff Lang
An Australian guitarist, he came to the Isle of Man (Peel Centenary Centre, to be exact) and did an absolutely phenomenal gig, which I loved, and as a consequence bought two of his CDs. He's much better live, but that's normally the case. Anyway, I can say that I've seen him live, so it's all good. Here he is:

Errm... let's leave it at that for now
I'm sure there will be many more things to be obsessed about soon.
Bye bye!