Friday, 8 June 2012
Saturday, 2 June 2012
So, I should probably write a post that isn't just me whinging on and on. I mean, it's going to be a bit, but not the whole thing. Probably.
So, I have finished my first year at university! That's pretty terrifying. I did my last exam on Thursday, which was Marine Ecology. I had 4 in total: Dynamic Earth (practical), 14th May; Physical Oceanography, 24th May; Dynamic Earth again, 28th May; and Marine Ecology, 31st May.
The Dynamic Earth practical was pretty horrific. The first question (of two) wasn't too bad, since it was comprised of pretty much everything we'd already done: structure contours, order of depostition, etc.. The second question, however, was just... UGH. You had to use spot heights (which we had never used before) to find out the dip of the beds, and see that they were in a syncline, and try and somehow structure contour this map even though no two heights were the same. I made pretty much everything up on that question. Becca did the same, as I suspect a lot of other people did, so hopefully they'll realise what a stupid question it was and make the marks reflect that.
Physical Oceanography was surprisingly less horrible than I had been anticipating. I gave a very thorough answer to a question about intruments to measure things at depth, which was good. I also managed to bluff my way through the question about the equations of motion. The other question I did was on tides, which I could have known more about, but hey-ho.
The Dynamic Earth exam was not fun at all. It was one of those exams where you open the paper and just have to laugh at how little you know. I managed to answer everything, so that's good, but sweet FSM it was nasty. There was a question asking to explain the term "diachroneity", and I was absolutely kicking myself because it's everywhere in the module and I had read the definition at least twice.
Marine Ecology was actually worse than I thought it would be. I must admit, I had kind of been counting on the fact that it was mosty multiple choice to mean that it would be easier than the others, but the questions were all really pernickety. I'm pretty sure I've passed, just maybe not amazingly.
I need to get my revision head on properly next time. I was way too blasé about everything. Never mind. If I do badly that will be a lesson learned. If I somehow do well, I will need to absolutely force myself to remember how it felt being in an exam and feeling like I knew nothing.
ANYWAY. Enough about exams. Although, at least while I was doing exams I had a good excuse to be sitting in my room alone. Now it's just sad. I'm bored and lonely and I should be doing something about it. It's the End Of Exams Kempo Social tonight, though, so that should be fun. Well, it would be better if Owen came.
Owen. He's very much the reason I'm feeling lonely. Well, that and my crippling attachment to staying indoors and doing nothing of importance. I haven't seen him for two weeks, which compared to various people and long-distance relationships is nothing, but I'd gotten used to seeing him relatively often. He hasn't even been to any movie evenings at the Kempo houses, or the pub after training, which fucking sucks. Seeing Greg and Emma, and Urs and Gemma, together and knowing that I could be in the same position is not nice at all. Although, I have been overly emotional recently. Crying at pretty much everything. I cried at Howl's Moving Castle today! Mod help me.
I know I shouldn't be this upset about it. Rationally, I know that his dissertation is incredibly important and he needs to finish it soon and make it the best he can, but irrationally I kind of horribly want him to have a mini breakdown and come to me for comfort and then I'd make him feel better and then he'd go back to it all happy and finish it sooner. That is the only scenario in which I can imagine him seeing me at the moment. I guess I just thrive on misery, being a horrible person an' all. Anyhoo, I've pretty much given up on all hope of seeing him before I go home. He said he wasn't expecting to be finished by the 8th of June, and I leave on the 16th, so... He also basically dismissed the idea of me visiting him in summer. I'll ask him again (if I ever see him again, that is), but that really sucked.
Ha! So much for not whining. Might as well get it all out.
Facebook is a little bitch of a cuntbucket, and in no way resembles a good way to keep in touch. With Owen, at least. Although it is probably just my neuroticism, that I read the worst things into what he says and always come to the conclusion that I am just annoying him every time I send him a message or a funny picture or anything, and he wishes he had never agreed to go out with me.
So, um. I'll finish with something nice.
I'm Secretary for Kempo now! Teresa gave me a huuuuuge file full of paperwork in our handing-over meeting, and I'm now expected to deal with things like grading forms and the closing ceremony (which is on Thursday, although Teresa is now the Treasurer and still on the committee so she's been organising the sake and stuff already), which is going to be interesting.
So, I have finished my first year at university! That's pretty terrifying. I did my last exam on Thursday, which was Marine Ecology. I had 4 in total: Dynamic Earth (practical), 14th May; Physical Oceanography, 24th May; Dynamic Earth again, 28th May; and Marine Ecology, 31st May.
The Dynamic Earth practical was pretty horrific. The first question (of two) wasn't too bad, since it was comprised of pretty much everything we'd already done: structure contours, order of depostition, etc.. The second question, however, was just... UGH. You had to use spot heights (which we had never used before) to find out the dip of the beds, and see that they were in a syncline, and try and somehow structure contour this map even though no two heights were the same. I made pretty much everything up on that question. Becca did the same, as I suspect a lot of other people did, so hopefully they'll realise what a stupid question it was and make the marks reflect that.
Physical Oceanography was surprisingly less horrible than I had been anticipating. I gave a very thorough answer to a question about intruments to measure things at depth, which was good. I also managed to bluff my way through the question about the equations of motion. The other question I did was on tides, which I could have known more about, but hey-ho.
The Dynamic Earth exam was not fun at all. It was one of those exams where you open the paper and just have to laugh at how little you know. I managed to answer everything, so that's good, but sweet FSM it was nasty. There was a question asking to explain the term "diachroneity", and I was absolutely kicking myself because it's everywhere in the module and I had read the definition at least twice.
Marine Ecology was actually worse than I thought it would be. I must admit, I had kind of been counting on the fact that it was mosty multiple choice to mean that it would be easier than the others, but the questions were all really pernickety. I'm pretty sure I've passed, just maybe not amazingly.
I need to get my revision head on properly next time. I was way too blasé about everything. Never mind. If I do badly that will be a lesson learned. If I somehow do well, I will need to absolutely force myself to remember how it felt being in an exam and feeling like I knew nothing.
ANYWAY. Enough about exams. Although, at least while I was doing exams I had a good excuse to be sitting in my room alone. Now it's just sad. I'm bored and lonely and I should be doing something about it. It's the End Of Exams Kempo Social tonight, though, so that should be fun. Well, it would be better if Owen came.
Owen. He's very much the reason I'm feeling lonely. Well, that and my crippling attachment to staying indoors and doing nothing of importance. I haven't seen him for two weeks, which compared to various people and long-distance relationships is nothing, but I'd gotten used to seeing him relatively often. He hasn't even been to any movie evenings at the Kempo houses, or the pub after training, which fucking sucks. Seeing Greg and Emma, and Urs and Gemma, together and knowing that I could be in the same position is not nice at all. Although, I have been overly emotional recently. Crying at pretty much everything. I cried at Howl's Moving Castle today! Mod help me.
I know I shouldn't be this upset about it. Rationally, I know that his dissertation is incredibly important and he needs to finish it soon and make it the best he can, but irrationally I kind of horribly want him to have a mini breakdown and come to me for comfort and then I'd make him feel better and then he'd go back to it all happy and finish it sooner. That is the only scenario in which I can imagine him seeing me at the moment. I guess I just thrive on misery, being a horrible person an' all. Anyhoo, I've pretty much given up on all hope of seeing him before I go home. He said he wasn't expecting to be finished by the 8th of June, and I leave on the 16th, so... He also basically dismissed the idea of me visiting him in summer. I'll ask him again (if I ever see him again, that is), but that really sucked.
Ha! So much for not whining. Might as well get it all out.
Facebook is a little bitch of a cuntbucket, and in no way resembles a good way to keep in touch. With Owen, at least. Although it is probably just my neuroticism, that I read the worst things into what he says and always come to the conclusion that I am just annoying him every time I send him a message or a funny picture or anything, and he wishes he had never agreed to go out with me.
So, um. I'll finish with something nice.
I'm Secretary for Kempo now! Teresa gave me a huuuuuge file full of paperwork in our handing-over meeting, and I'm now expected to deal with things like grading forms and the closing ceremony (which is on Thursday, although Teresa is now the Treasurer and still on the committee so she's been organising the sake and stuff already), which is going to be interesting.
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