Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Anyone Know What The Bromine-Bleached Structural Formula Of Methyl Orange Indicator Is?

Goddamn, I hate coursework. I hate it with a passion. A passion, I tells ye!

'What are the kinetics of the reaction between bromate(V), bromide and hydrogen ions?'

How the bloody hell should I know?!

Actually, I probably should know, as I've done 100 experiments pertaining to that very question.

Now I'm trying to write up my findings so they look intelligent and meaningful, and I can say 'Well, y'see, the reaction is first order with respect to bromate(V) and bromide, but second order with respect to hydrogen, and blah blah enthalpy blah', or some such.


1 comment:

  1. Bahahaha. I love this - "Actually, I probably should know, as I've done 100 experiments pertaining to that very question."


Be nice. Please. *cowers*