Wednesday, 16 February 2011

An Update

Yeah, I'm not so good at the blog posting, am I? I'm not much good at keeping anything up, really.

Sooo... I suppose I should update my... *checks* ONE follower on how I'm doing, but I've just spoken to them on Twitter so that's a bit redundant. Maybe someone will happen across this and be so impressed that they tell all their friends. Unlikely, but you never know.

Anyhoo, I've done quite a lot since we last spoke, Blog. Well. It has been nearly a year. I've finished my AS levels, I'm into my A2s, I've applied for university (Southampton, East Anglia, Liverpool, Bangor and Plymouth for Oceanography/Ocean Science), I've started my Chemistry coursework, I've organised the Year 13 Christmas Panto, I've achieved my Grade 5 Jazz Piano with Merit, I've booked a holiday with some friends, I've bought a lovely but expensive dress, I've joined a forum, I've done some exercise, I've had a lot of weird dreams, I've lost  a phone and gained a new shiny one, I've eaten, I've breathed, I've slept, I've done a lot of things which aren't very exciting.

Anyhoo, that's me done. I'll probably be back soon to rant about Chemistry and French (not Maths so much, I can do Maths).


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