Wednesday, 27 April 2011

For my very favourite cowgirl...

Dear school,

Really? I mean, really? How the hell have you managed to survive this long, limping along like a stubborn and oblivious old goat? You're completely falling to pieces! How are you still going? It's not just the building - though the Sixth Form Centre, with its gaps in the walls that lead straight outside, and which acts like a coolbox/thermos flask when the weather even slightly deviates towards either of those extremes, is definitely a problem - but also the people who lead you. In my time there we have had two headteachers: one who spent the vast majority of the budget on 'The Lozenge', a tiny strip of grass in the middle of what is basically a roundabout (and not the fun kind, either) that nobody uses; and one who gets overly agitated about sick days and university visits.

Take today, for example. How the hell did that happen? Before Easter, everything in the Sixth Form Centre was going great. Well, not everything, but we'll get to that in a minute. We got shiny new black carpet everywhere! That was unprecedented. Admittedly, it was only so that when people drop their chewing gum and tread it into the floor it won't show up, but we'll gloss over that. We got comfy new matching chairs! That was a bit of a fail, as they were three days late and four broke in the first day (plus they couldn't actually move over the carpet) but, you know, everyone makes mistakes. We were looking forward to having shiny new wooden tables when we got back from half-term! Everything would be wonderful, and we'd forget about the holes to the outside and the pro-sound-pollution walls for a while.

But no. Everything is shit. You've FUCKING LOST THE FUCKING TABLES. How does that happen? The shiny new black chairs are stacked up in front of one of the classroom doors, our group haven't even got our original tables back, there are coffee tables in boxes piled up along a wall, and since there are hardly any chairs everyone is standing up and making it EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to move around.

Also, you've moved the common room to a room in the Sixth Form Centre. I thought this was quite a good idea at first (selfishly), because then I wouldn't have to walk all the way downstairs to get my chocolate, but then I discover you haven't even brought them up. The whole point of being in Sixth Form is that we get privileges that the lower school don't. Okay, so it isn't the whole point, but it's the one that gets the most people back. Yes, I understand this is completely spoilt-sounding, but I'm a teenager. We are essentially selfish.

So, by moving the common room upstairs you have gained a file storage room and lost a form room and a classroom. A Year 13 tutor group is wandering around the Sixth Form Centre with no home to go to, and ALOT of classes have no idea where they're meant to go for their lessons. I mean, what? Where was the sense in that? I understand you want to keep an eye on the boys you (quite rightly) suspect of skiving General Studies (not to mention all their other lessons), but you could have done it better. I don't have a suggestion, but you could have done. So there.

Oh, such jealousy we felt when we visited another high school! A huge Sixth Form Centre! A spacious and clean common room, with windows! Up-to-date computers and a nice study area! Get yo' shit together.

And don't even get me started on how you've treated our year. We have missed out on everything. EVERYTHING. This is our last school year - the one that really matters - and you have quite royally fucked it up, if not for all of us, then for ALOT. For example, if we don't have a teacher for a day because they're ill, fine. We'll get on with whatever else we need to do. But if they're off for 4 WEEKS, then I think you'd probably be quite capable of finding us a substitute, or at least insisting that said teacher actually sets us some work. We don't know what we're supposed to be doing - that's what a teacher is for, to start us off and then we can go off and learn around it. Again, we're teenagers. You may think you're trusting us to be responsible and shit, but really? Come on.

TL;DR? I fucking hate you, school. You're shit. I can't wait to leave, and I can only hope you sort it out before those poor, unfortunate Year 12s take up the mantle of 'Most Ignored'.

Yours, Ellie

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