Hey there, blog! Man, I should get to sleep. But I've been looking back through forum threads and reminiscing about stuffs. Jeebus, that sounds kinda sad. But hey-ho.
John is in Fawkeer currently, so I am left to my own devices for another day. Need to do some washing. And find something to do with all this yarn his mum has given me. I want to do some amigurumi but I don't have any stuffing. Hmmmm...
Fuck, I don't want to go home. I really, really don't. Visiting John for such a long time was a good idea, because we've become really comfortable with each other and I have realised I'm actually really rather in love with him. But staying for longer means going home is going to be even more painful. I don't think I can face not falling asleep with him and not having breakfast together or driving somewhere together or just BEING together. But I have to. I have to man up and knuckle down and... crabwalk sideways? I dunno. This year is going to be fucking tough and I need to be able to get through it. Not having John physically with me is going to make it infinitely worse, too. Oh man.
I am going to need to up my Remembering To Take My Pills game. Because otherwise I think I will probably have some kind of breakdown.
But, separation anxiety aside, this holiday has been so wonderful. It's not so fun when John's at work, but I talk to his mum and his brother and play WoW and work in the garden. When he's here I love just doing nothing as much as going out somewhere for a daytrip. Oops, back into the barfstab!
America is a strange place. Guns and flags and churches, oh my! But I have yet to meet a horrible person. Everyone I've spoken to (with the exception of one family member who looked at me like I was a dog turd on their shoe) has been absolutely lovely. Americans are very good at being interested.
One totes amazeballs (sorry...) thing I did was meet a lady from VIMS (the Virginia Institute of Marine Science)! John's mum's friend's friend's husband is the Oyster King of Virginia, and his wife knows a bunch of people at VIMS, and so she got me in touch with a lady who gave me a tour then took me out on the boat. SO AWESOME. And she gave me her email address so that if I find a job at VIMS I like the look of I can send her a message and she'll put in a good word for me! Networking, guise.
Anyway, it's late, so I'll sign off now. 01:31, in fact. EST, man.
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