Just to start off, I will let any readers know that I'm feeling a lot better:
I'm feeling a lot better.
ANYWAY, we finally started our diving lectures on Saturday. The training packs were £32 and contain The Diving Manual, our course notes, our qualification record, and various VERY IMPORTANT pieces of paper. I got to the building 20 minutes before it was supposed to start (I got bored hanging around in my room), and couldn't get in. Denise arrived on her bike and told me that all the university buildings are locked at the weekend so no-one other than the security guys can get in, but she said it like I should have already known this for my whole life (An exaggeration? Perhaps.), so that made me feel quite stupid. She went off to get the training packs from SUSU, so I stayed upstairs to let people in.
Twelve people turned up, so we went down to the lecture theatre, which was locked. Typical. We waited outside for a security person to come and unlock it for us, and while we waited, Steve Pooley, who was doing our lectures, went through our training packs with us - stressing that the VERY IMPORTANT pieces of paper were VERY IMPORTANT. We eventually were let in to the L/T. I sat next to Doug for the duration, which was lovely. I rather like him.
The lectures were very interesting, and quite straightforward, but they were SO LONG. We started at 10am and finished at 4pm. Steve brought in all the kit so we could have a look at it, and he made us go through each piece of equipment and tell him as much as we could about it. He also got us to test the oxygen content of a Nitrox cylinder.
After that, I raced home, grabbed my popcorn, and went to Kathryn's! We spent 8 hours watching Supernatural, which was awesome. We both agreed that Jensen Ackles is rather nice... We got a curry from a takeaway, but had to walk a while to meet the delivery guy because he couldn't find Glen Eyre! We ordered online, and saw a king prawn tikka massala for £98.50.
On Sunday I just could not get out of bed, so I missed Kempo. I spent the day trying to work and doing my washing and speaking to Mum and Dad and other various things. Choir was good, apart from the fact that we're singing The Lamb, which is the worst choral song EVER. I hate it with the burning passion of a thousand fiery suns.
Yesterday was mostly fine. I got quite a bit done on my presentation, which was good. I went to Kempo to make up for not going on Sunday, and got horribly frustrated with myself because there is one technique, gyaku gote, that I just CANNOT GET, no matter how many times the seniors show me how to do it or how many times I have a go at doing it myself. Min and Charley were very sympathetic, but it was one of those frustrations that makes you tear up a little bit at how frustrating it is. Emma said this particular technique has made her cry from frustration before.
Today was wonderful. Between Maths and Chemistry me, Kate, Becca, Christina, Ross, Rob and Matt went to Kate's flat for an hour and a half. I had so much fun. I did feel bad about Kathryn not feeling like she could come with us, but to be honest I've been getting a tiny bit annoyed with the fact that she doesn't try to speak to people. Ah well.
I'm speaking to my tutor tomorrow about changing course. I went to Student Services yesterday, to ask about the procedure and how best to approach my tutor, and they were singularly unhelpful. I need to make sure that he understands it's because I feel the French is taking over my whole course, and I really want to focus on the Oceanography; not just that I hate the French.
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